Tax Disclaimer
Tax Advice Disclaimer
The content of this website is exclusively for informational and discussion purposes. It is not, and may not be relied on in any manner as, legal, business, tax, regulatory, financial or investment advice. Notwithstanding anything on this website to the contrary, it does not constitute an offer to purchase or a solicitation of an offer to sell, wind or solar rent, royalty, payment or lease rights, including any interest in any monetization opportunity offered by Renewa, AND ANY SUCH OFFER, AGREEMENT OR OBLIGATION OF RENEWA IS STRICTLY CONDITIONED ON SUBJECT TO THE EXECUTION OF DEFINITIVE AGREEMENTS BETWEEN RENEWA AND THE RECIPIENT AND COMPLETION BY RENEWA OF DILIGENCE SATISFACTORY TO RENEWA. You agree that Renewa and its partners, members, employees, officers, directors, agents, and representatives shall not have any liability for any misstatement or omission of fact or any opinion expressed herein or in any communications except in and as provided under such definitive agreements. Renewa is not a financial advisor and each prospective seller should consult its own attorney, business, tax and other advisers as to legal, business, tax, regulatory, and investment advice and related matters and should make their own investigation regarding the information contained herein. Renewa reserves the right to negotiate with and enter into definitive agreements with one or more prospective parties at any time without prior notice to the recipient or any other prospective parties.